 Presentation of KuGG e.V.  –  Introduction - Goals - Tasks

Introduction: Who we are

o   The Interest Group for the Advancement of Deaf Culture (Interessengemeinschaft zur Förderung der Kultur Gehörloser, IFKG) was created 1993 by the German Deaf Federation. In 1998 the IFKG was renamed Culture and History of the Deaf (Kultur und Geschichte Gehörloser, KuGG). The Interest Group for Deaf History (Deaf History- Interessengruppe zur Geschichte Gehörloser) was created in 1996 and was united with KuGG in 2001.

o   The association is registered in Berlin. The Finance Office in Hamburg recognizes KuGG as a non-profit association.
Currently KuGG has about 220 members. For more information see Chronik.

o   The Executive Committee is presently:
President: Helmut Vogel (Hamburg)
Vice President: Ege Karar (Aachen)
Treasurer: Jana Schwager (Heilbronn)
Chair Members: Herbert Christ (Berlin) and Sieglinde Lemcke (Hamburg)
Further information at Vorstand and Kontakt

o   New since 2007: There are Five Coordinators in the Sectors:
Art: Dieter Fricke - History: Jochen Muhs - Deaf Studies: Katja Fischer -
Theater: Elisabeth Pinilla-Isabela - Film: Georg Eberhard

o   KuGG is a member of the German Deaf Federation Deutscher Gehörlosen-Bund e.V. (DGB).
We represent our interests at the DGB annual meeting of members.
Additionally KuGG is a member in Deaf History International

Goals: What do we want to achieve?

o   KuGG supports the advancement of Deaf Culture, Deaf History and sign language.
It promotes the exchange of experiences in all areas of Deaf culture and history.

o   KuGG is the only association in Germany that focuses on promoting Deaf Culture and the study of Deaf History.
The most important goal of the association's work is to make public the knowledge of Deaf culture and history.

Tasks: How do we expect to reach those goals?

o   KuGG publishes informations on its website www.kugg.de in different columns: Up-to-date, KuGG, Culture, History, Art, Theatre and Others. It is an important medium for public relations, because there the executive committee and the members can pass on and get information.

o   KuGG leads meetings and congresses with international participation. KuGG also organizes seminars, workshops, exhibitions and cultural trips. Members receive price reductions to all our activities.

o   KuGG is manufacturing different media about Deaf Culture and Deaf History in form of books and DVDs. It is an important request in the form of educational materials about the Deaf and for the public.

If you have any questions or want information please contact:

KuGG e.V.
c/o Helmut Vogel
Blostwiete 1
D - 22111 Hamburg

Fax: 049 - (0)40 - 65 59 26 10
Email: info@kugg.de

Everything else you can experience on this website www.kugg.de

We would be happy to work collaboratively or receive support!
The Executive Committee of "Kultur und Geschichte Gehörloser e.V."

Presentation KuGG e.V.


Update: September 2008

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